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Newsletter -December 2014

NEWSLETTER NO 1 05 Dec 2014

Dear Csir Squash Members

  • The 2015 Squash committee:

Herewith the 2015 Committee:


To put faces to the names above, see poster on the notice board at the club, or visit:

  • Website:

The committee has been hard at work behind the scenes, with the most important development being a new state of the art website. It can be found on the following link:

This website will be a central tool for improved communication with members. All relevant information pertaining to all club activities, will be published and updated (e.g. the ladder) on this site.

An Android Mobi app can also be downloaded from this site.

  • League 2015:

The post Club Champs ladders for 2015 Men’s & Ladies are also posted on the notice board and on:

Should you be available for league 2015 and haven’t indicated your availability yet, please do so without further delay. Men to contact Stefan Appelcryn and Ladies Ilse Marais.

  • Challenge Rules:

Brand new challenge rules to be implemented from 15 January 2015 have been posted on the notice board. It is also available on:

Please familiarise yourselves with them. Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to approach any committee member for assistance.

Wishing you all a happy festive season! Travel safe and keep fit!


The 2015 Squash Committee.

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